Sounds True content in any physical or digital format, including books, audio, and video programs may not be reproduced, in part or in whole, in any media format, without express written permission from Sounds True, Inc.

This includes, but is not limited to, the use of any text (regardless of length of excerpt), chart, figure, table, image, or audio or video recording.

Permission must be obtained even in cases where there is no intention to charge for the work in which the copyrighted material would be contained.


Sounds True accept permissions requests ONLY by email at

In your request email, be sure to include the following product details:

  • •The book or program title, author(s), ISBN, and if possible the product code (see at the bottom of the product page)
  • •The exact page numbers or time codes of the excerpt being requested for use
  • •A specific description of the purpose, audience (type and size), and context in which the material is intended to be used
  • •Requestor’s name and complete contact information

If more information is required to complete your request, the Permissions Manager will contact you directly for more information.

Responses to permissions requests take 4–6 weeks after complete request information is received.

Note: Translation, republishing, narration, or filming of complete Sounds True works are not simple permissions requests. These types of requests require rights licensing and must be submitted in writing to the Contracts Manager to initiate the appropriate steps (see below for more).


Sounds True products have been translated into numerous languages from English, including French, German, Danish, Dutch, Catalans, Estonian, Hungarian, Romanian, Croatian, Polish, Russian, Czech, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Hebrew.

Sounds True licenses the contents of certain products, in part or in whole, to foreign publishers who produce faithful translations of the works and offer our titles in their own markets; Sounds True does not print or sell these translated materials directly.

Sounds True also offers rights licensing options for domestic use and distribution in the United States.

Contact us at for further details about licensing a Sounds True product for foreign translation, or for domestic use or distribution in the United States.

As with standard permissions requests, please include the pertinent product details as indicated above in the Permissions Request Process.

Sounds True Guidelines for Educators Offering Online Video Story-time

In an effort to support educators, schools, and public libraries, Sounds True would like to extend an open license to those who would like to offer live and online video story time to their students and communities.

If you are a teacher providing education virtually through an online closed educational platform (closed YouTube channels are acceptable as well), we are happy to allow you to choose from our selection of children’s books, read them aloud and display them to your students on camera.

If you are uploading the online reading to a closed platform for future viewing, these videos may be posted online for a maximum of 3 months, unless permission for extended use is granted via

If you work for a library and you would like to continue to provide a virtual reading of children’s books as you would offer to your in-person patrons of the library, we can allow a one-time, live streamed reading of our children’s books on social media platforms. The requirement is that these live readings are deleted in the account within one week following the live story-time event and that these videos are not stored or retained on any public platforms after that one week time period (i.e. Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, etc.).

We also ask that, if feasible, you mention where the books can be purchased ( should viewers be interested.

If you are able to meet these guidelines, please reach out to for email permission prior to moving ahead. We keep a close eye on these requests as they come in, and we respond as quickly as possible to all emails.