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Waking from the Trance

A Practical Course for Developing Multi-Dimensional Awareness
Streaming Audio (Immediate Access)
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Break free from the limitations of the false self with 7 CDs to expand your consciousness.
Full Description

Have you ever felt that your thoughts, feelings, perceptions, and memories—everything you've known to be you—might be just the surface of something far more expansive? That somehow there might be a way to wake up to an entirely new revelation of the world and of yourself?

In 1977, a young psychotherapist named Stephen Wolinsky left his practice to answer these questions. His search would lead him beyond the roots of modern psychology and the contemplative traditions of the world to India's legendary sage Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj.

On Waking from the Trance, you are invited to learn what evolved from Wolinsky's quest: a revolutionary new understanding of the nature of consciousness that can help us to see beyond the inner structures that limit our awareness and experience the many dimensions of who we are more fully.

The Trances People Live

"I must succeed in everything I do." "I must be loved." "I must be in control." "I feel inadequate." From our earliest years, teaches Wolinsky, the nervous system creates a False Self that can trap us in a specific constellation of fears, frustrations, and psychological patterns. In this trance of the False Self, we lose contact with the greater dimensions of who we really are: what the spiritual traditions of the world have called the One Substance, God, or the Void of Undifferentiated Consciousness.

A Multi-Dimensional Aproach to Healing

Awakening from the trance of the self, says Wolinsky, begins by extending your awareness to every level of who you are: your biological instincts, your thoughts and feelings, the archetypal dimension, and ultimately who you are beyond those thoughts, emotions, memories, associations, and perceptions. But how do you begin this journey? The only way to find out who you are, taught Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, is to find out first who you are not.

Waking from the Trance offers you an opportunity to begin that life-changing investigation. Here is a full eight-hour program of compelling instruction and exercises to help you identify the frames that organize your most basic experiences, open your awareness to each of your dimensional levels, and discover who you truly are.

Format Details
Contents Digital Audio (8 hours, 15 minutes)
Product Code AF01083W
ISBN Number 978-1-60407-376-8
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Stephen Wolinsky

About Stephen Wolinsky

Stephen Wolinsky began his clinical practice in 1974 as a Gestalt and Reichian therapist and trainer. In 1977 he journeyed to India to study meditation for nearly six years. He has trained in classical hypnosis, psychosynthesis, and transactional analysis, and taught Ericksonian hypnosis and family therapy. Stephen Wolinsky is the founder of Quantum psychology and the author of You Are Not, I Am that I Am, Trances People Live, Quantum Consciousness, The Tao of Chaos, Hearts on Fire, Intimate Relationships, The Way of the Human trilogy, The Beginner's Guide to Quantum Psychology, and many other books.


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7 Reviews
Reviewed by Len
I recommend this product
Rated 5 out of 5
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Mind blowing!

Mind blowing program! I actually didn't know what to expect as I started listening to the audiobook. This program will definitely blow apart any preconceived beliefs and ideas you have of your "self". It's chock full of information and I think I will have to listen to it a few more times to absorb and fully integrate all the teachings.

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Reviewed by Nayelia
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Mind blowing

Wow, I'm only into the third cd and I just had to write a quick review to let other sounds true members know how amazing this program is. I'm really excited to continue listening to the rest! What I have listened to is delivered in a precise and easy to understand format. He talks about how there are different a dimensions ie external, thinking, emotional, biological,essence,I am. How we are constantly confusing the different dimensions. Using thinking techniques for the thinking dimension,emotional techniques for emotional dimension etc. I've only at listened to the thinking dimension and he gives a few techniques to dissolve thoughts that you have of yourself that are an illusion. When a thought pops up, ask yourself , "to whom does this thought arise?". Then answer, "to me", then ask, "who is this,I?" It is not important about the answer as this technique is only for dissolving your thought and bringing you into "the gap", your I Am presence. I will endeavour to write another review after I have actually finished the audiobook.

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Reviewed by Christian C.
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Review for Waking from the Trance

Excellent audio program. What separates this program from others I've listened to is that Wolinski aims at destroying beliefs and belief systems. Including the ideas he uses to help you free yourself of concepts. He's made the teaching of Nisargadatta accessible to the western mind. He speaks plainly and doesn't try to convince the listener. He just lays things out in a conversational tone without any mystique. Highly recommended.

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Reviewed by Jay P.
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Review for Waking from the Trance

Stephen Wolinsky is not a 'Feel Good' Guru and HALLELUJAH for that!!! And his teaching (and Nisargadatta through the vehicle of Stephan) is not for everyone. He will not coddle your belief's - he will challenge them. I have quite a few courses from Sounds True, and I have gained something from all of them, but to this one I return again and again - the "False Self/False Core" chapter alone is worth the price of admission. He is also appealing to the intellect, and the western mind. Again he may not be for everyone- if you need some coddling (and there is nothing wrong with that - we all need it from time to time) you should look further - but if you're really wanting to wake up from the dream that you think is your life - I would highly recommend this as well as his series of Nisargadatta DVDs.

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Reviewed by Frank A.
I recommend this product
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Review for Waking from the Trance

Profound teachings on true essence of being. I have all this author's works. And this audio sums it all up very nicely. If you want to lose the mirage called you. This teaching will lead you there! A five star rating cannot even do it justice.

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