Native Wisdom

Seven Keys to Health & Happiness
Streaming Audio (Immediate Access)
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Discover the common threads of wisdom that run through the world’s indigenous traditions.
Full Description

What if you could distill the great teachings of the world's indigenous cultures into seven principles that would bring inner peace and fulfillment to your life?

Traditional healer Ken Cohen spent 35 years studying, practicing, and training with elder healers from the Native American, African, Siberian, Aboriginal, and Chinese indigenous traditions. Now, he shares the common threads that tie these paths together on Native Wisdom: Seven Keys to Health & Happiness.

Join Ken Cohen to learn:

  • Prayers to invoke the wisdom of the Great Spirit
  • "Pathway of Peace"—a seven-step meditation for visualizing truth, love, intuition, and other intrinsic values
  • A natural approach to nourishing your body based on your ancestry, and more

Become a part of the living tradition of the world's indigenous cultures by experiencing these simple practices to tend to your body and spirit with Native Wisdom: Seven Keys to Health & Happiness.

Format Details
Contents Digital Audio (1 hour, 15 minutes)
Product Code AW00733W
ISBN Number 978-1-60407-239-6
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Ken Cohen

About Ken Cohen

Ken Cohen, M.A. (, is a renowned qigong master, health educator, and winner of the Lifetime Achievement award in energy medicine. A former collaborator with Alan Watts, he is the author of The Way of Qigong: The Art and Science of Chinese Energy Healing (Ballantine Books) and more than 200 journal articles on spirituality and health. Ken has been practicing qigong and Tai Chi for more than 50 years and is the pioneer who first introduced qigong in western medical school education. A dynamic and inspiring teacher, Ken’s work has been sponsored by the American Cancer Society, the Mayo Clinic, Health Canada, and numerous universities.