Healing Ourselves

Biofield Science and the Future of Health
Hardcover Book
Hardcover Book
Sounds True eReader (Immediate Access)
Over a 20-year career, award-winning scientist, clinical psychologist, and spiritual practitioner Dr. Shamini Jain has been uncovering and sharing the mysteries of healing. Now she shares extraordinary scientific evidence supporting the power of energy-healing practices—along with instruction for techniques anyone can use.
Full Description

A leading mind-body researcher provides an invaluable resource of solid scientific evidence for consciousness-based healing—along with practices anyone can use.

Spontaneous remission, the placebo effect, and energy healing—these phenomena have baffled the medical community for decades. What do all these marvels tell us? “Our current models of medicine fall short of understanding the depths of our human healing potential,” says Dr. Shamini Jain. “We are on the cusp of finally becoming awake to our human healing potential. A growing number of scientists are exploring a new path—a true expansion of science joined with understandings from ancient concepts of spirituality.”

With Healing Ourselves, Dr. Jain presents a new vision of health and healing. Here she rejects the “either-or” thinking that has placed conventional medicine at odds with so-called alternative methods—offering an integrated path based on sound scientific evidence and personal empowerment. Join her to explore:

  • Biofield science—peer-reviewed research on the inseparable relationship between consciousness and healing
  • The placebo and beyond—what placebo research tells us about the power of consciousness to heal ourselves, whether we choose drugs, surgery, or holistic medicine 
  • Evidence—what strong, published research actually says about the healing power of holistic practices such as yoga, tai chi, meditation, and energy healing
  • The Healing Keys—in-depth instruction with evidence-based recommendations and ancient spiritual practices that you can integrate into your life for healing yourself
Today more than ever, we realize that we must change the way we think about health care—and our ability to heal ourselves. “The good news is there is a way forward,” teaches Dr. Jain. “The flame that lights the path burns brighter than the darkness of ignorance and suffering we have found ourselves in.” With Healing Ourselves, this inspiring teacher shares a holistic model of health that we have known in our hearts, all along, to be true.
Format Details
Hardcover Book eBook
Contents Hardcover Book (320 pages) eBook (320 pages)
Dimensions 6 x 9 inches
Product Code BK05885 BK05885W
ISBN Number 978-1-68364-433-0 978-1-68364-434-7
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Shamini Jain

About Shamini Jain

Shamini Jain, PhD, is the founder and CEO of the Consciousness and Healing Initiative (CHI), a nonprofit collaborative that leads humanity to heal ourselves. Dr. Jain is an Ivy League-trained clinical psychologist and an award-winning research scientist in psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) and integrative medicine. She is a sought-after speaker and teacher in mind-body-spirit healing. Dr. Jain is also adjunct faculty at UC San Diego. For more, visit shaminijain.com.

Author photo © Namuun Bat