Making Sense of Menopause

Harnessing the Power and Potency of Your Wisdom Years
Paperback Book
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Paperback Book
Sounds True eReader (Immediate Access)
Today’s generation is the first to really speak openly about menopause—yet the medical community and popular culture fixate on the negative aspects. Now a renowned women’s health expert offers a powerful guide to experiencing perimenopause and menopause as a natural gateway into the next exciting and meaningful phase of our lives.
Full Description

A women’s health expert shares an empowering and informative guide to menopause as a gateway to a rich and vital elderhood. 

It’s time to change the way we think about menopause. Both medicine and popular culture fixate on menopause as a decline of women’s bodies and minds—without recognizing the powerful gifts that come to us in our elder years. “Nature did not create us to unravel and diminish in the prime of our lives,” says Susan Willson. With Making Sense of Menopause, this renowned women’s health practitioner offers a powerful guide to experiencing perimenopause and menopause as a natural gateway into the next vital, exciting, and meaningful phase of our lives.

In this inspiring and highly practical guide, Willson dismantles the cultural falsehoods we’ve been taught about menopause and illuminates:

  • Menopause as metamorphosis—how the changes in our bodies literally transform us into new women with essential roles to play in our culture
  • How the biological arc of a woman’s life unfolds toward menopause—and how our earliest experiences inform the menopause we will have
  • Practical guidance for self-care—including sleep, nutrition, stress management, exercise, and social connections
  • Sexuality and relationships—deepening our emotional bonds and expanding our capacity to give and receive pleasure
  • Becoming the Wise Woman—stepping into the essential role of an elder in our youth-obsessed world
 Susan Willson has found that when women are presented with a positive, empowering perspective on menopause, something extraordinary occurs: “We find that we want to do the developmental work of midlife. We want to harness the power we feel rising up as we are finally able to stand for ourselves. We want to give our gifts.” With Making Sense of Menopause, this compelling author offers a much-needed guide for women making the physical, emotional, and spiritual transition to their wisdom years.
Format Details
Paperback Book eBook
Contents Paperback Book (256 pages) eBook (256 pages)
Dimensions 6 x 9 inches
Product Code BK06161 BK06161W
ISBN Number 978-1-68364-744-7 978-1-68364-745-4
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Susan Willson

About Susan Willson

Susan Willson, CNM, is a Yale-educated certified nurse midwife and certified clinical thermographer with more than 40 years of experience in the women’s health field. She has taught at Omega Institute and is a frequent lecturer for the American College of Nurse-Midwives, where she lectures on women’s health and the emotional work of menopause. She lives and practices in Stone Ridge, New York. See