Megatrends 2010

Seven New Trends That Will Transform How You Work, Live, and Invest
Streaming Audio (Immediate Access)
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Explore the modern forces changing the business world today with this insightful program.
Full Description

A change in business is coming-- one that is proving to be as profound as advances in information technology and global politics. In Megatrends 2010, bestselling author and legendary social forecaster Patricia Aburdene reveals the underlying force that has already begun to reshape the way business is conducted—consciousness.

Using her proven techniques for determining large-scale trends in the marketplace, Aburdene tracks the rise of "conscious business," an inexorable turning away from simple capitalism toward a new and more profitable economy founded on ethics, values, and spiritual awareness. And no matter what your job or income, she teaches, you are an active participant in this radical transition.

On this original audio adaptation of her landmark book, Patricia Aburdene examines:

  • How your socially responsible investments and consumer choices drive changes in even the largest companies
  • Why hardworking, values-driven managers are eclipsing so-called superstar CEOs as the new leaders of business
  • Techniques you can use for expanding your spiritual practice into your working life
  • Success stories from across the business world that affirm the dramatic and increasing impact of consciousness, and more

With the Megatrends series, Patricia Aburdene has built an extraordinary track record for predicting the currents that shape the economic world. Now with Megatrends 2010, she invites you to take part in a spiritual revolution that will transform business as we know it.

Format Details
Contents Digital Audio (2 hours, 15 minutes)
Product Code AW01156W
ISBN Number 978-1-60407-223-5
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Patricia Aburdene

About Patricia Aburdene

Patricia Aburdene is one of the world's leading social forecasters and co-author of four Megatrends books with John Naisbitt—including the New York Times bestseller Megatrends 2000. She is a highly respected speaker and lectures around the world on global trends. For more information, please visit