
A Modern Yogi's Practical Guide to the Physical and Energetic Anatomy of Your Amazing Body
Paperback Book
Paperback Book
Sounds True eReader (Immediate Access)
“Meta” means “beyond”—and in the updated edition of MetaAnatomy, Kristin Leal takes us far beyond our limited understanding of our amazing human bodies. In this information-rich and accessible resource, you’ll develop a new level of “body literacy”—a deep and vital relationship with the physical, emotional, and energetic aspects of your being.
Full Description

A gifted teacher reveals the miracle that is your body, combining science, yogic wisdom, and liberating movement practices.
Updated all-new illustrations, chapters, and content.
“Meta” means “beyond”—and in MetaAnatomy, celebrated yoga teacher Kristin Leal takes us far beyond our limited understanding of our amazing human bodies. In this information-rich and accessible resource, you’ll do more than label parts of your physiology and identify your energy systems. You’ll develop a new level of “body literacy”—a deep and vital relationship with the physical, emotional, and energetic aspects of your being.
Kristin writes in an inviting, lighthearted style that makes complex concepts imminently understandable. Here, you’ll explore:

  • The Physical—meet the marvelous “meat suit” of your body’s bones, muscles, joints, and nerves
  • The Poetic—a deep dive into your breath, brain, heart, and the subtle energy systems that bring it all to life
  • The Practical—how to make lasting changes to your health, spirituality, and relationship with the world around you
  • Mini-practices, meditations, insights for students and teachers of yoga, and much more
 What makes Kristin’s approach so powerful is that you’ll be learning about yourself as more than a collection of parts, but as a unified being of body, mind, and soul—interwoven and interdependent with the world around you. “You are a symphony of synapse and strength; valves and vulnerability; potential, power, and promise,” she teaches. “It is my hope that these teachings and practices will ultimately lead you to remember and honor your fundamental wholeness.”


Format Details
Paperback Book eBook
Contents Paperback Book (280 pages) eBook (280 pages)
Dimensions 7 1/2 x 9 inches
Product Code BK06089 BK06089W
ISBN Number 978-1-68364-704-1 978-1-68364-705-8
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Kristin Leal

About Kristin Leal

Kristin Leal is a 500 E-RYT yoga teacher and a Sadaka in the ISHTA lineage, as well as a licensed massage therapist, Reiki practitioner, and renowned author. Her popular MetaAnatomy workshops, classes, and online trainings blend serious scientific knowledge with a sense of humor and a deep connection to the divine within us all. She lives in New York City. For more, visit