Miracles at Work

Turning Inner Guidance into Outer Influence
Paperback Book
Paperback Book
Sounds True eReader (Immediate Access)
Merging principles of A Course in Miracles with her own proven strategies for on-the-job success, bestselling author and career expert Emily Bennington shows you how to transform fear-based thinking into a miracle mindset, respond to conflicts with deep presence, stay inspired through periods of doubt or overwhelm, and draw from the well of energy and universal wisdom available to us all.
Full Description

Millions have embraced the insights of the spiritual classic A Course in Miracles as a source of vision, empowerment, and deeper connection with others. For years, author and career expert Emily Bennington has quietly drawn upon this inspired text's most useful principles to help thousands succeed in their vocations. 
With Miracles at Work, she invites kindred spirits—those who yearn to bring their spiritual Selves into their professional lives—to begin the adventure.
Merging principles of the Course with mindfulness practices, social and emotional intelligence, and her own proven strategies for on-the-job success, Emily illuminates for those at any career stage how to:

  • Anchor in to your aware Self on the job, resulting in extraordinary composure and leadership presence
  • Use the Course method for reorganizing your energy in each moment, allowing you to instantly release anxiety, anger, judgments, comparisons, or fear
  • “Rise above the battleground” and navigate conflict with ease
  • Move from a thought system based on striving and “specialness” to one grounded in connectedness
  • Stay inspired at work even through long periods of struggle, doubt, and overwhelm

“When you strengthen your spiritual foundation, you become a healing presence to those around you—which naturally expands your influence at work,” teaches Emily Bennington.
Whether you’re familiar with A Course in Miracles or new to its insights, Miracles at Work is an exceptional guide to applying its timeless wisdom to your career, where it can profoundly enrich your experience and enhance your impact on the world.

    Format Details
    Paperback Book eBook
    Contents Paperback Book (165 pages) eBook (165 pages)
    Dimensions 6 x 9 inches
    Product Code BK04814 BK04814W
    ISBN Number 978-1-62203-724-7 978-1-62203-725-4
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    Emily Bennington

    About Emily Bennington

    Emily Bennington has been featured on Monster.com’s “11 Career Experts to Follow,” Forbes’“100 Best Websites for Women,” as well as in major broadcast and print media nationwide .She’s led training programs for Fortune 500 companies and is the author of Effective Immediately (with Skip Lineberg, Ten Speed, 2010) and Who Says It’s a Man’s World (AMACOM, 2013). She resides in Charlotte, North Carolina .For more information, emilybennington.com.