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Sacred sounds used for centuries in India to create inner peace.
Full Description

Experience the sacred sounds that have been used for centuries to create inner peace. Shri Anandi Ma, accompanied by her teaching partner Dileepji, offers Peace Mantra—authentic chants from India that are said to have profound healing effects on us and on our world.

According to Dileepji, each person is a walking universe, and as each universe attains its absolute state of tranquility, true peace will spread and be the dominant force of the world.

Peace Mantras offers more than 60 minutes of Sanskrit mantras, including: mantras to Ganesh, the remover of all obstacles; Peace for the Nine Planets; prayers for welfare; and mantras for protection.

Format Details
Contents Digital Audio (1 hour, 12 minutes)
Product Code MM00902W
ISBN Number 978-1-62203-285-3
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About Dileepji Pathak

Shri Anandi Ma is the spiritual heir of the great Indian saint known as Shri Dhyanyogi Madhusudandasji, a master of kundalini yoga. When she was a young girl, Shri Anandi Ma experienced very deep states of meditation. Finally, while worshipping the Divine Mother, Shri Anandi Ma went into a state of meditative union that was so profound, her alarmed parents were unable to arouse her. They called upon Shri Dhyanyogiji to help them, and he was able to bring her back to a normal state of consciousness.

Shri Anandi Ma

About Shri Anandi Ma