So When Are You Having Kids

The Definitive Guide for Those Who Aren’t Sure If, When, or How They Want to Become Parents
Hardcover Book
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Hardcover Book
Sounds True eReader (Immediate Access)

A modern family planning book designed to help today’s generations make an informed decision about if, when, and how they want to bring children into the world. So When Are You Having Kids? offers inclusive insight into the realities of parenthood and fertility care, and normalizes all the different ways to build a family or live a child-free life.

Full Description

As we expand our understanding of what “family” means, we need to change the way we think about having kids.

How much does it cost to have kids? How long can I wait? What if I have fertility issues? And, wait a minute… do I even ​want kids? If you’re unsure whether you want kids or struggling to decide, this book is for you.

So When Are You Having Kids? is not your parents’ parenting book, nor is it a how-to for getting pregnant. It’s a nonjudgmental, inclusive guidebook for women, men, gender-nonconforming people, same-sex couples, and prospective single parents who want to make an informed decision regarding if and how they bring children into the world. Combining research with over 100 compelling real-life stories, the resources in this book are as diverse as the generations they’re meant to serve.

With deep insight and empathy, Davidson explores:

  • Ways to cope with familial and societal pressure to have children
  • What makes a good parent, and the skills you need to be one
  • The facts about infertility, adoption, fostering, and alternative methods of becoming a parent
  • The real financial costs of having and raising kids
  • How to move past fears related to pregnancy and childbirth
  • The ethics and consequences of having kids in the face of climate change
  • And, what it means to choose a child-free life for those who are unsure whether they want kids
So When Are You Having Kids? is a much-needed resource for family planning in the modern world, packed with the knowledge and tools you need to make one of the most important decisions—if not the most important decision—of your life.
Format Details
Hardcover Book eBook
Contents Hardcover Book (368 pages) eBook (368 pages)
Dimensions 6 x 9 inches
Product Code BK06394 BK06394W
ISBN Number 978-1-68364-925-0 978-1-68364-926-7
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Jordan Davidson

About Jordan Davidson

Jordan Davidson is an award-winning health journalist and reproductive health advocate whose work has appeared in Parents, Health, Men’s Health, Prevention, Teen Vogue, BuzzFeed, Upworthy, Yahoo Health, Scary Mommy, Rewire News, CBS Interactive, Elemental, Everyday Health, Verywell, and The Dr. Oz Show. She’s also been interviewed for Bitch, Bustle, Rewire News, and NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt.

Author photo © Sara Azoulay