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The Gradual Path

Tibetan Buddhist Meditations for Becoming Fully Human
Streaming Audio (Immediate Access)
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Dr. Miles Neale presents a seven-session audio course to immerse listeners in the time-tested teachings and practices of the Lam Rim—Tibetan Buddhism’s path of gradual awakening. “Enlightenment is an unfolding process—open to everyone,” teaches Dr. Neale. “However, in a culture that reduces and commercializes meditation, our challenge is to restore the sophistication and integrity of the complete spiritual path that makes it possible to achieve sustainable well-being, compassion, and liberation.” 

Full Description

Experience the Transformative Power of Tibetan Buddhism’s Gradual Path of Enlightenment
“Enlightenment is an unfolding process—open to everyone.” teaches Dr. Miles Neale. “However, in a culture that reduces, commodifies, and sensationalizes meditation, our challenge is to restore the depth, sophistication, and integrity of the complete spiritual path.” With The Gradual Path, Dr. Neale presents a seven-session audio course to immerse you in the teachings and practices of the Lam Rim—Tibetan Buddhism’s time-tested path for psychological maturity and awakening. Created as an audio companion to Dr. Neale’s book Gradual Awakening, this course brings you a guided experience in the traditional Lam Rim journey, updated with insights from science and psychotherapy to root each step in our modern experience.
Lam Rim—The Hero’s Journey of Awakening
With passion and eloquence, Dr. Neale reveals how the Age of Reason’s “enlightenment” that originally emerged to free us from dogma and superstition evolved into a dangerous new “sickness of paradigm” that has given rise to our precarious global situation. By combining healthy scientific inquiry with the timeless power of the Lam Rim path, Dr. Neale invites us to catalyze genuine and sustainable well-being, compassion, and liberation—both for ourselves and the world around us. This path is a “hero’s journey” that begins with our inherent state of suffering and separation, then takes us through each step of transformation to becoming fully human.
Do we need to become enlightened to make a difference in the world? “Though enlightenment is always here and possible,” teaches Dr. Neale, “what matters most is to focus on the next incremental step ahead of you and awaken gradually—becoming a more mature, aware, insightful, and loving human being. Even making one small Lam Rim step brings a little more light in the world and makes a giant leap for humanity’s evolution.”
A portion of the proceeds from this program will benefit the Buddhist nuns of Kopan Monastery in Nepal.

Format Details
Audio CD
Contents Digital Audio (7 hours, 52 minutes) 7 CDs (7 hours, 52 minutes)
Dimensions 6 7/8 x 6 5/8 inches
Product Code AF05542W AF05542D
ISBN Number 978-1-68364-202-2 978-1-68364-201-5
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Miles Neale

About Miles Neale

MILES NEALE, PSYD, is among the leading voices of the current generation of Buddhist teachers and a forerunner in the emerging field of contemplative psychotherapy. He is a Buddhist psychotherapist in private practice, assistant director of the Nalanda Institute for Contemplative Science, and faculty at Tibet House US and Weill Cornell Medical College.
Dr. Neale is coeditor of and contributor to the groundbreaking volume Advances in Contemplative Psychotherapy: Accelerated Healing and Transformation and author of Gradual Awakening: The Tibetan Buddhist Path of Becoming Fully Human. For more visit milesneale.com.


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Reviewed by sergio
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a good LAM RIM series

Dr. Miles Neale is the assistant director at Nalanda Institute ("Welcome to Nalanda Institute! We train people from all walks of life in timeless contemplative skills informed by practical neuropsychology to empower themselves and others to cultivate a wise mind, compassionate heart, and altruistic way of being in our interdependent world").

In recent years, he directed the 4-year program in SUSTAINABLE HAPPINESS at Nalanda, which he granted me the opportunity to audit at a distance online.

This person is one of the western-born and trained teachers proficient in the tradition of Tibetan Buddhism -such as Robert Thurman, Lama Michel and others-.

A welcome LAM RIM introduction to Tibetan Buddhism.

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