The Self-Acceptance Summit (Bonus)

How to Overcome Self-Judgment and Live a Life of Bravery, Compassion, and Authenticity
Online Course
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Online Course

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Full Description

How often do you hear inner voices saying you’re not good enough, not tough enough, not fit enough? How much time do you spend dwelling on regret, shame, and things you wish you could do over?

Why do we think it’s a good thing to be “our own worst critic”? 

Imagine if you could take all the energy you spend on self-criticism and use it in a different way. What would it be like to become your own best advocate and greatest supporter in the world?

Please join us for The Self-Acceptance Summit—a gathering of more than 30 leading teachers, researchers, and luminaries to help you transform and heal your relationship with yourself.

We pick up a lot of unexamined beliefs about self-acceptance from our culture and our upbringing. But research shows us that when we heal our relationship with ourselves, it changes everything. We become more effective in the world, no matter what we’re trying to do. We become less reactive and more resilient. Our physical health improves. We are capable of deeper and more satisfying relationships.

Contrary to what we often believe, self-acceptance doesn’t come automatically once we’ve met our goals or become “a success.” In fact, researchers find the people who are most creative, happy, and successful share a common quality: they are able to be kind and forgiving toward themselves regardless of their circumstances.

By purchasing The Self-Acceptance Summit, you will have lifetime access to each presentation—over 37 hours of content. Plus, you'll receive the valuable bonuses offered by each presenter for further insight and motivation.

Whether you seek health and happiness in your own life or are hoping to be of greater service in the world, your relationship with yourself is always the starting point. Join us and learn how accepting ourselves—especially those parts we find most shameful or frightening—has a positive impact on nearly every experience in our lives.


  • Caroline Myss
  • Tara Brach
  • Matt Kahn
  • Richard Schwartz
  • Adyashanti
  • Many More
Format Details
Online Course
Contents Online Course
Product Code AP05762

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Caroline Myss

About Caroline Myss

Caroline Myss is the author of four New York Times bestsellers: Anatomy of the Spirit, Sacred Contracts, Invisible Acts of Power, and Why People Don't Heal and How They Can. A leading voice in the field of energy medicine and human consciousness, she holds degrees in journalism, theology, intuition, and energy medicine. She has appeared on two highly successful public television programs, and on The Oprah Show.

Author photo © David Sutton

Tara Brach

About Tara Brach

Tara Brach has been practicing and teaching meditation since 1975, as well as leading workshops and meditation retreats at centers throughout North America and Europe. She has a PhD in clinical psychology, is the founder of the Insight Meditation Community of Washington (IMCW), and is the author of Radical Acceptance, True Refuge, Radical Compassion, and Trusting the Gold. Tara’s weekly podcasts of talks and meditations are downloaded more than three million times each month. For more, visit

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