The Spontaneous Evolution Experience

The Choice to Become a New Species
Streaming Audio (Immediate Access)
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A great change will soon sweep the world. Are you ready for it? In this fascinating spoken-word offering, pioneering cell biologist Dr. Bruce H. Lipton reveals what his studies of epigenetics, social history, climate change, and the power of belief have to say about humankind’s cataclysmic—and ultimately triumphant—future.

Full Description

In his groundbreaking book, The Biology of Belief, Dr. Bruce Lipton outlined the evidence that our thoughts are just as important as our genes in controlling our health and evolution. As the emerging science of epigenetics shows, our beliefs and choices can control our biology down to a cellular level. According to Dr. Lipton, this startling scientific insight suggests a major evolutionary shift for the human species is on the horizon.

With The Spontaneous Evolution Experience, he reveals how the forces of history—including dangerous trends like climate change and overpopulation—are creating the conditions for a transformation so profound that we could soon become an entirely new species. As Dr. Lipton explains, “Just as a terminally ill patient can have a “spontaneous remission,” usually following a major life change or change in beliefs, I believe that human society is now on the verge of a similar evolutionary healing on a global scale.”

Over the course of three fascinating audio sessions, Dr. Lipton examines the beliefs that have brought us to this precarious time—and what new beliefs will give humanity the chance to overcome the obstacles of today. Join this pioneering biologist as he presents a bold and hopeful vision of the next, “holistic” stage of human civilization—and what each of us can do to fully participate as co-creators of the world to come.

Format Details
Contents Digital Audio (4 hours, 46 minutes)
Product Code DD05328W
ISBN Number 978-1-68364-083-7
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Bruce H. Lipton

About Bruce H. Lipton

Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D. is an internationally recognized cellular biologist who taught cell biology at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and later performed pioneering studies at Stanford University's School of Medicine. His breakthrough research on the cell membrane in 1977 made him a pioneer in the new science of epigenetics. He is author of The Biology of Belief and a sought after keynote speaker and workshop presenter, and has appeared on radio and television.

Author photo © Margret Horton