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Trauma and the Embodied Brain

A Heart-Based Training in Relational Neuroscience for Healing Trauma
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$248.00 $497.00 |

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Full Description

If you’re a therapist who works with trauma survivors, you’re probably familiar with the many new and evolving modalities available. Regardless of what models and techniques we use, one core dimension of healing is crucial: 

The deep, physiologically embodied relationship we hold with our clients. 

Why does this matter? Research in the field of relational neuroscience offers this intriguing answer: 

Trauma may be less about what happened to us and much more about who is there to support us—before, during, and after the overwhelming experience.

If this connection-centered view of healing trauma rings true for you, the good news is that there is so much more to learn from this central insight.

Bonnie Badenoch, PhD, LMFT, created this program for therapists, caregivers, and others who want to support their clients or loved ones in a deeper and more connected way—and to strengthen themselves while learning how. 

Join her to explore:

  • Foundational principles of relational neuroscience and interpersonal neurobiology
  • How trauma embeds in the body—our muscles, skin, heart, “belly brain,” and other systems
  • Explicit and implicit memory—research and principles for working with traumatic experiences, from childhood to adulthood
  • Practices for listening to and understanding sensation, the body’s native language
  • Creating optimal conditions for healing through trust, safety, and nonjudgmental presence
  • The left and right brain hemispheres—their complementary roles in the therapist-client relationship
  • How to engage our own inner healing to provide optimal support for others, and much more

Throughout this training experience, Bonnie brings equal emphasis to both the informational knowledge of the course and your emotional and body-based experience of the teachings—two complementary elements that therapists need to support their clients.

If you find this approach appealing, we hope you’ll join us. 


Format Details
One-Time Payment Three Monthly Payments
Contents Online Learning Online Learning
Product Code WC05014N WC05014N

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Bonnie Badenoch

About Bonnie Badenoch

Bonnie Badenoch, PhD, is a marriage and family therapist, author, consultant, and group facilitator. She is a student of interpersonal neurobiology who is particularly devoted to supporting the clinician's ongoing personal healing process. She is the author of Being a BrainWise Therapist and The BrainSavvy Therapist's Workbook. Her 25 years of working with people healing from trauma and attachment wounds has fostered such respect for those who are willing to touch their suffering in the service of being more kind and compassionate human beings.


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3 Reviews
Reviewed by Kathejo B.
Verified Buyer
I recommend this product
Rated 5 out of 5
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Fascinating scientific data delivered with passion

Bonnie Badenoch delivers knowlegde that could be dry and overwhelming scientific information with such love and passion that it is infectious. If you're not inclined to think about this aspect of healing, she will help you relate and understand.

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Reviewed by Jennifer H.
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Incredible Insights

I have enjoyed this course so much. As a person less embodied, more "em-brained", I have found these techniques so helpful in deepening my practice - even though my practice is to just be there more for other people, not anything connected directly professionally like therapist. I'm caretaker for my mom recovering from chemo and cancer right now so the timing for this course could not have been more serendipitous. Additionally, I am excited to see how the theories could be put into new context to apply to business. I have spent 15+ years as a people leader before now and I can easily see how the theory will apply to my people leading in the future. Worth every penny and more, and I will be revisiting this again. I've also recommended it to several people already. Thank you so much for this incredibly valuable and insightful resource that will aid me in transforming and deepening my being-ness and relationships.

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Reviewed by Nadia Y.
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Very enlightening!

The lessons are well organized and insightful. I have applied this approach on my practice but I was unsure. Now more sure and with positive results. It males so much sense to receive clients this way, a way that facilitates growth of trust in the therapeutic relationship.

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