Wild at Heart

Radical Teachings of the Christian Mystics
Streaming Audio (Immediate Access)
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Bring the passion of Christian mystics to your own spiritual practice.
Full Description

Is an intimate experience of the Divine meant only for saints and mystics? Tessa Bielecki says that the answer is an emphatic no. Mystical experience is as natural to us as breathing, she explains. It erupts spontaneously and graciously when we live on the spot and savor the real. Wild at Heart presents her call to you, the ordinary seeker, for a loving realization of God that is your divine birthright.

A former Carmelite nun and abbess of a monastic community, Tessa Bielecki guides you through more than six hours of practical, easy-to-follow teachings stemming from her 40 years of communal worship and an in-depth study of Christian mystics, including Saint Teresa of Avila, Saint John of the Cross, Saint Augustine, and others. Join her to rediscover the radiant heart of Christianity, and bring the mystic's depth of passion to your own spiritual practice.

Holy Daring the Way of the Mystic

Have you felt incomplete in your spiritual life? Are you searching for a way to expand your contemplation of the Divine? Wild at Heart offers you the opportunity to embark upon Saint Teresa's holy daring—the complete embrace of everything that arises in your life. This, teaches Tessa Bielecki, is the way of the mystic, an unending celebration of God that continually unfolds the ecstatic experience of all as sacred.

Disciplined Wildness Redefining the Act of Prayer

Wild at Heart, Tessa Bielecki shows you the immersive prayers and meditations of the early Christian fathers and mothers, to instill in you their disciplined wildness. Through many exercises and insights, you will radically change where, when, and how you pray.

Format Details
Contents Digital Audio (6 hours, 25 minutes)
Product Code AF01074W
ISBN Number 978-1-60407-388-1
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Tessa Bielecki

About Tessa Bielecki

Tessa Bielecki is Mother Abbess of the Spiritual Life Institute, a Carmelite community with hermitages in Colorado, Nova Scotia, and Ireland. She studied for a career in international relations at Trinity College in Washington, D.C., before entering a monastery in 1967. Mother Tessa is actively involved in Buddhist-Christian dialogs and international initiatives exploring world peace and planetary survival. She is the author of Teresa of Avila: Ecstasy and Common Sense; Holy Daring; and Teresa of Avila: Mystical Writings and publisher of Forefront, a quarterly magazine of contemporary spirituality.