2025: A Year of Courageous Loving with Tara Brach and Friends

A Yearlong Journey of Compassion, Connection, and Courageous Love
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2025: A Year of Courageous Loving

Step into the fullness of courageous love with Tara Brach and her community. Over the course of the year, we will explore the transformative power of compassionate presence, self-kindness, and love-in-action. 

This program offers regular teachings with Tara, practical guidance, meditations, and a supportive community to help you deepen your practice of loving with courage, both toward yourself and others.

Themes of the Year: A Pathway to Courageous Loving

Throughout 2025, Tara will explore four key areas of courageous loving. 

1. Embracing Our Inner Life

  • Cultivating presence and mindfulness

  • Deepening self-kindness and compassion

  • Letting go of self-blame and fear

2. Loving Without Holding Back in Relationships

  • Practicing compassion with our loved ones and friends

  • Awakening compassion in moments of conflict

  • Recognizing and reflecting the goodness in others

3. Widening the Circle of Compassion

  • Extending compassion to all beings, especially those who are suffering or marginalized

  • Overcoming dehumanization and embracing empathy

  • Embodying the wisdom of interbeing, living with the world in your heart

4. Living Wholeheartedly

  • Cultivating gratitude, joy, and peace in everyday life

  • Living with an open and loving heart

  • Taking compassionate action in the world

What You Can Expect from the Full Program and Yearlong Journey:

  • Tara’s Weekly Teachings and Guided Meditations – Each week, Tara will email and/or text you a new reflection and practice designed to help you stay grounded during the week and cultivate a peaceful mind. 

  • 6 Live Q&As with Tara – Every other month, Tara will host a live session to answer your questions, offer deeper insights, and help you apply the teachings to your everyday life.

  • Weekly Meditations: You can also choose to join 45-minute community meditations led by Tara and other meditation teachers each week. 

  • Compassionate Community: You’ll be able to connect and engage throughout the yearlong program with other participants in a private online space, where you can share experiences, challenges, and give and receive support.

Format Details
One-Time Payment Three Monthly Payments
Contents Online Course Online Course
Product Code WC07446Y WC07446Y

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Tara Brach

About Tara Brach

Tara Brach has been practicing and teaching meditation since 1975, as well as leading workshops and meditation retreats at centers throughout North America and Europe. She has a PhD in clinical psychology, is the founder of the Insight Meditation Community of Washington (IMCW), and is the author of Radical Acceptance, True Refuge, Radical Compassion, and Trusting the Gold. Tara’s weekly podcasts of talks and meditations are downloaded more than three million times each month. For more, visit tarabrach.com.