40 Days to Positive Change Online Course

Daily Support to Create a New Habit
Online Course

Online Course

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Whether it’s going to the gym more often or meditating every morning, nearly everyone has had the experience of trying to start a new habit . . . only to watch it quickly fall away. With 40 Days to Positive Change, Kelly McGonigal will guide you step by step in establishing new habits that not only serve your well-being, but do so for a lifetime.
Full Description

An in-depth audio program for getting the daily support and structure you need to create life-affirming new habits

How many times have you tried to build a positive new habit, only to end up falling short? If so, you probably didn’t have the structure and support critical for instilling a new behavior. With 40 Days to Positive Change, Kelly McGonigal, PhD, provides just that—the helping hand necessary to create the change you most desire in your life.

Whether it’s exercising every day, devoting yourself fully to a personal project, or establishing a regular meditation practice, this innovative program will provide the scaffolding necessary to instill a positive habit in your life. Drawing upon the latest neuroscientific and behavioral research, 40 Days to Positive Change emphasizes that new habits are built on a foundation of intention, gratitude, joy, loving compassion, and interdependence. Part mentor, part professor, and part coach, McGonigal will guide you in daily practices and lessons to follow through in each of these areas. By the end of this audio journey, you’ll have all the tricks and tools you need to live out your new, better habit without letting it drop by the wayside.

Best of all, this program’s lessons are endlessly renewable. Once you’ve followed the 40-day journey toward habit change, you can begin again to weave another positive behavior into the fabric of your life.

Format Details
Online Course
Contents Online Learning
Product Code AP06324

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Kelly McGonigal

About Kelly McGonigal

Kelly McGonigal, PhD, is a health psychologist and award-winning lecturer at Stanford University. A leading expert on the mind-body relationship, her work integrates the latest findings of psychology, neuroscience, and medicine with contemplative practices of mindfulness and compassion from the traditions of Buddhism and yoga. She is the author of The Willpower Instinct and Yoga for Pain Relief.

Author photo © Mark Bennington

Listen to Tami Simon's interview with Kelly McGonigal: The Neuroscience of Change