Healing Racialized Trauma

Somatic Abolitionism for Every Body
Online Course Bundle
$297.00 $397.00 |
Online Course Bundle

*Includes Sounds True One Membership: First month free and then renews at $19.99/month. Membership can be cancelled at any time.

One-Time Payment
Online Course
Three Monthly Payments
Online Course
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Nearly all of us are infected by the virus of white-body supremacy: the falsehood that the white body is the supreme standard upon which all other bodies are measured and judged. In Healing Racialized Trauma, Resmaa Menakem shows you how to work through the trauma of racism through somatic practices and begin to eliminate internalized racism. Join us and learn directly from one of the most respected trauma educators of our time.

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Full Description

In Healing Racialized Trauma, Resmaa Menakem shows you through somatic practices how to work with the charge of racism and the embodied trauma in a culture of white-body supremacy. During the six-week program, you’ll receive access to prerecorded video sessions, bonus interviews with expert speakers, and an opportunity to go deeper with a Live Q&A with Resmaa. 

Join us and:

  • Find out what Somatic Abolitionism is and how it helps dismantle white-body supremacy
  • Learn how to use somatic practices to work with different trauma responses
  • Understand how to build an anti-racist culture through the body
  • Practice the five anchors and how to work with your soul nerve and vagal nerve when activated
  • Discover terms, dispel myths, and approach the lifelong work of healing intergenerational trauma with compassion and curiosity

Rather than quick-fix solutions to these complex dynamics and issues, Resmaa Menakem weaves together scientific research, case histories, and his own insights and experiences to present a broad perspective that enlightens and empowers you to cultivate and support your own healing journey.

Format Details
Online Course Bundle One-Time Payment Three Monthly Payments
Contents Online Course + Sounds True One Membership (1-month free membership trial, then $19.99/month) Online Course Online Course
Product Code XC07316 WC06687N WC06687N
*Sounds True One Terms & Services and Product Return Policy

The Sounds True One special offer includes a one-month free trial membership to Sounds True One for new members. Enjoy transformative teachings, live classes, guided meditations, community events, and more with the leading wisdom teachers of our time. At the end of your trial, you will be automatically billed $19.99 USD monthly. You can cancel your membership at any time.

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Resmaa Menakem

About Resmaa Menakem

Resmaa Menakem, MSW, LICSW, SEP, is a therapist with decades of experience, currently in private practice in Minneapolis, Minnesota, specializing in trauma, body-centered psychotherapy, and violence prevention. His books include the New York Times bestseller My Grandmother’s Hands and The Quaking of America. He has appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show and Dr. Phil as an expert on conflict and violence. Menakem has studied with bestselling author Dr. David Schnarch (Passionate Marriage), and trained at Dr. Peter Levine's Somatic Experiencing® Trauma Institute. For more, visit resmaa.com.