Love Without Reason

The Lost Art of Giving a F*ck
Hardcover Book
Hardcover Book
Sounds True eReader (Immediate Access)
In Love Without Reason: The Lost Art of Giving a F*ck, activist and filmmaker LaRayia Gaston shares an inspiring and actionable guide to help us connect with our hearts, reawaken our innate desire to make a difference, and then actually make that difference in a way that nourishes our souls.
Full Description
Activist, documentary filmmaker, and founder of the nonprofit Lunch on Me, LaRayia Gaston offers inspiring and practical guidance for bringing kindness, generosity, and love to a world in need. 
If the world’s problems feel overwhelming and making a difference seems impossible, you’re not alone. So many of us wish we could be doing something good and purposeful, but we get stuck. We think that what we do won’t matter, or that we’ll do it wrong, or that we don’t have enough time or resources to begin with. But caring about each other is a natural instinct all humans have—what is it doing to our minds, bodies, and souls to ignore this part of our humanity?
In Love without Reason: The Lost Art of Giving a F*ck, Gaston shares an inspiring and actionable guide to help us connect with our hearts, reawaken our innate desire to make a difference, and then make that difference in a way that not only helps others but also nourishes our own joy. Through Gaston’s inspiring stories and practical guidance, you will:
  • Dismantle the blocks that stop you from reaching out to your fellow humans—both personal fears and societal obstacles
  • Learn how to help in a good way—a way that’s needed, matches your gifts, and feels uplifting for you and those you serve
  • Create positive energy exchanges—the energy behind how we give is as important as what we give
  • Identify the places you can bring more kindness and caring into the world—to your community, your loved ones, and yourself
  • Reconnect with your natural instincts for empathy and service—and experience the joy that arises when you do
  • Explore a list of dozens of micro-gestures—simple, intentional acts of caring for another person that can be done by anyone, anywhere, at any time
Filled with profound heartwork exercises, journaling prompts, and real-world practices, Love Without Reason helps you discover that showing you care—showing you actually give a f*ck—doesn’t have to be difficult and isn’t about sacrifice. It’s about joy, and it’s about love.
Format Details
Hardcover Book eBook
Contents Hardcover Book (176 pages) eBook (176 pages)
Dimensions 6 x 9 inches
Product Code BK06032 BK06032W
ISBN Number 978-1-68364-630-3 978-1-68364-631-0
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LaRayia Gaston

About LaRayia Gaston

LARAYIA GASTON is a former model, actress, and founder of the nonprofit Lunch On Me, an organization dedicated to feeding organic, healthy food and holistic healing to those experiencing homelessness. She's also a regular public speaker, podcast guest, and activist. She filmed a documentary 43 Days on Skid Row, which shows her time living with LA’s skid row residents and offers up a true picture of what life is really like in one of America’s largest homeless communities. She resides in Los Angeles. For more, visit