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Your Place of Power

Life Visioning Practices for Honoring the Body Temple
Streaming Audio (Immediate Access)
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Visioning practices to enhance our physical health and embody our unique gifts.
Full Description

Honoring Your Body—The Vehicle for Your Life's Purpose

We think of places of power as being sacred sites, cathedrals, or areas of great natural beauty—yet your greatest power spot is a place you inhabit all the time. "Your body temple," teaches Michael Bernard Beckwith, "was given to you as the instrument through which you fulfill your life's purpose. It is the temple that houses the living energy of the divine." With Your Place of Power, this inspirational author offers insights and practices for honoring the body temple to become healthier, happier, and prepared to embrace the highest vision of our life. Filled with guided meditations and Beckwith's evolutionary Life Visioning practice, this two-session program features:

  • Guidance for listening to your body's intelligence and becoming aware of how your body responds to your thoughts
  • The five pillars of the body temple—how to provide the necessary physical and spiritual nourishment for good health
  • Morning and evening practices for daily rejuvenation
  • Forgiveness—a guided meditation on this essential process for "spiritual detoxification"
  • Life Visioning—building your capacity to express your true potential through the sacred vehicle of the body

For thousands of people, Michael Bernard Beckwith's Life Visioning™ Process has emerged as a powerful tool for realizing and living one's unique life purpose. With Your Place of Power, he offers a practical guide for applying that process to honoring the physical aspect of our being so that we may make the most of the time, resources, and wisdom residing in this miraculous gift that is our body temple.

Format Details
Contents Digital Audio (2 hours, 27 minutes)
Product Code DD02544W
ISBN Number 978-1-62203-173-3
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Michael Bernard Beckwith

About Michael Bernard Beckwith

Michael Bernard Beckwith is the founder and spiritual director of the Agape International Spiritual Center, a transdenominational community in Los Angeles. He is the founder of the University of Transformational Studies and Leadership, and an international speaker and teacher of meditation. Beckwith is a featured teacher in the film The Secret, and also appears in the films Pass It On and Living Luminaries. He has appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show and Larry King Live. Beckwith's books include Inspirations of the Heart, 40 Day Mind Fast Soul Feast, and A Manifesto of Peace.


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Reviewed by Jayne P.
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Immensely helpful

I'm really enjoying listening to this over and over. Personally I find it puts things into perspective.

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