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Befriending Your Emotions


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Disrupt family patterns and heal from inherited trauma with this powerful guide, so you can break the cycle of silence for generations to come.

Calling All Empaths!

Dr. Judith Orloff has spent decades working with highly sensitive people who not only feel others’ emotions, but also have few defenses against them. Discover her proven techniques for heading off emotional fatigue, finding nourishing work and relationships, and bringing your empathic gifts to an often overwhelming world.

Bestselling Courses & Programs

Sounds True creates a wide range of immersive online learning experiences taught by the most revered, science-backed wisdom teachers of our times. Whether you’re seeking training in meditation, somatic self-healing, spiritual discovery or something more, we have a course for you.

We're Glad You're Here.

Tami Simon started Sounds True in 1985 with a tape recorder and a dream: to support personal growth and accelerate spiritual awakening. Today, Sounds True has become a multimedia publisher of books, audios, podcasts, online courses, certification programs, music, and more—on everything from timeless spiritual teachings to modern wellness practices.

Wisdom, Connection and Tools for Conscious Living.

For over three decades, Sounds True has published books, courses, audios, and videos from leading authors and new voices. Our catalog spans meditation, mindfulness, yoga, psychology, health, relationships, children’s books, music, and more. Explore thousands of titles in our online store.