Chinese Secrets of Health and Longevity

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Full Description

Hundreds of years ago, the emperors of imperial China ordered the vast resources of their empire focused on the pursuit of xian xue, the "science of longevity." What they uncovered is a secret open to anyone interested in better health—that living longer and having more energy is as easy as moving, breathing, and eating.

Chinese Secrets of Health and Longevity instructs you in these original strategies for maximum energy and life span. Based on the concept of "correspondence," Chinese medicine sees a vital link between your environment, your daily habits, and your health. By making simple adjustments in your diet and lifestyle, you can feel more alive every minute of the day, perform better at work, and have more energy for enjoying life.

In China, the most successful doctors are those who treat the fewest patients. They "treat" people with natural, noninvasive techniques before illness develops. Join Dr. Bob Flaws, one of the Western world's leading authorities on Chinese healing, and learn how easy it is to master these simple, life-changing health strategies. Topics include:

  • Diet—how to eat for maximum energy and immunity from disease
  • Lifestyle—regulating your daily activities, including sleep, sex, and exercise, into a balanced whole, proven to fight illness
  • Stress reduction—meditations and exercises for relaxation and emotional balance
  • Exercise—graceful chi kung exercises to gently unblock and energize your body's chi (life force)

Chinese Secrets of Health and Longevity presents a uniquely practical prescription for total wellness that will keep you out of the doctor's office, and in the best health of your life.

Format Details
Contents Digital Audio (7 hours, 37 minutes)
Product Code AF01961W
ISBN Number 978-1-62203-003-3
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Bob Flaws

About Bob Flaws

Bob Flaws is an internationally known practitioner of traditional Chinese medicine, and the author, translator and/or editor of over 100 books on Chinese medicine. Having studied acupuncture and Chinese medicine at the Shanghai College of Chinese Medicine, he is the founder of Blue Poppy Press, the world's largest English language publisher of books, audiotapes, and other materials on Chinese medicine. Bob regularly lectures at schools and conferences in the U.S. and Europe.