Conscious Business

How to Build Value Through Values
Paperback Book
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Paperback Book
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A practical training manual in enlightened principles for a successful business.
Full Description

Consciousness is the main source of organizational greatness. Conscious business, explains Fred Kofman, means finding your passion and expressing your essential values through your work. A conscious business seeks to promote the intelligent pursuit of happiness in all its stakeholders. It produces sustainable, exceptional performance through the solidarity of its community and the dignity of each member.

Conscious Business presents breakthrough techniques to help you achieve:

  • Unconditional responsibility—how to become the main character of your life
  • Unflinching integrity—how to succeed beyond success
  • Authentic communication—how to speak your truth, and elicit others' truths
  • Impeccable commitments—how to coordinate actions with accountability
  • Right leadership—how being, rather than doing, is the ultimate source of excellence

A conscious business fosters personal fulfillment in the individuals, mutual respect in the community, and success in the organization, teaches Fred Kofman. Conscious Business is the definitive resource for achieving what really matters in the workplace and beyond.

Winner of the 2009 Nautilus Award
Format Details
Paperback Book eBook
Contents Paperback Book (325 pages) eBook (325 pages)
Dimensions 5 x 5 inches
Product Code BK04045 BK01071W
ISBN Number 978-1-62203-202-0 978-1-59179-871-2
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Fred Kofman

About Fred Kofman

Fred Kofman, PhD. in Economics from the University of California, Berkeley, is Google’s Vice President and leadership development advisor, founding president of the Conscious Leadership Center at Tecnológico de Monterrey, and founder and president of the Conscious Business Center International. Previously, he was Vice President of Executive Development at LinkedIn and a co-founder of Axialent, a global consulting company which has delivered leadership programs to more than 15,000 executives around the world. Fred is the author of the trilogy Metamanagement (2001), Conscious Business (2006) and The Meaning Revolution: The Power of Transcendent Leadership (2018).