Healing Yourself with Your Own Voice

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The author of The Mozart Effect® on how the human voice can establish a balanced life.
Full Description

Ancient cultures looked at the human voice as the link between the inner and outer psyches. The voice was viewed not only as an instrument of self-expression, but also as a powerful means of self-alignment.

Healing Yourself with Your Own Voice is about rediscovering the natural power of the human voice, and its role in establishing a balanced, healthful life. Don Campbell, founder of the Institute for Music, Health, and Education, and author of the national bestseller The Mozart Effect®, leads you through step-by-step exercises to demonstrate how different sounds affect the brain and the body. Exercises focus on the alignment of mind, body, and voice; an inner massage; much more.

Format Details
Contents Digital Audio (1 hour, 15 minutes)
Product Code AW00105W
ISBN Number 978-1-60407-138-2
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Don Campbell

About Don Campbell

Don Campbell (1947–2012)
Don Campbell was respected internationally for his work as a teacher and researcher in the fields of music, sound, health, and learning. Often described as a man who has listened to the world, Campbell was the founder and director of the Institute for Music, Health, and Education in Boulder, Colorado. For seven years, he taught music and philosophy at St. Mary's International School in Tokyo, and he spoke about the transformative power of music in more than 30 countries worldwide.