The New Science of Narcissism

Understanding One of the Greatest Psychological Challenges of Our Time—and What You Can Do About It
Hardcover Book
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Hardcover Book
Paperback Book
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“Narcissism” is one of the most popular buzzwords of our time—but what is it, really? Join one of the world’s leading experts for a thorough exploration of what makes a narcissist, what motivates them, and how to skillfully deal with behaviors on all points of the narcissistic spectrum.
Full Description

Cut Through the Noise Around Narcissism with the Leading Researcher in the Field

“Narcissism” is truly one of the most important words of our time—ceaselessly discussed in the media, the subject of millions of online search queries, and at the center of serious social and political debates. But what does it really mean? 

In The New Science of Narcissism, Dr. W. Keith Campbell pulls back the curtain on this frequently misused label, presenting the most recent psychological, personality, and social research into the phenomenon.

Rather than pathologizing all behaviors associated with the label, Campbell reveals that not only does narcissism occur on a spectrum, but almost everyone exhibits narcissistic tendencies in their day-to-day behavior. Drawing from real-life incidents and case studies, The New Science of Narcissism offers tools, tips, and suggestions for softening toxically selfish behaviors both in yourself and others. Here you will discover:

  • An exploration of personality disorders connected with and adjacent to narcissism
  • Why minor narcissistic tendencies are common in most people
  • The foundational difference between grandiose and vulnerable narcissism
  • Different psychological models of personality and how they interpret narcissistic behaviors
  • The “recipe” of mental and emotional traits that combine into narcissism
  • How to identify when you’re in a relationship with a narcissist and what you can do about it
  • Why the 21st century has seen the rise of a “Great Fantasy Migration” into evermore insular subcultures
  • The connection between narcissistic tendencies and leadership
  • Why “the audience in your pocket” of social media has exacerbated culture-wide narcissistic tendencies
Though narcissism looms large in our cultural consciousness, The New Science of Narcissism offers many different options for understanding and treating it. With Campbell’s straightforward and grounded guidance, you’ll not only discover the latest and best information on the condition, but also a hopeful view of its future.
Format Details
Hardcover Book Paperback Book eBook
Contents Hardcover Book (304 pages) Paperback Book (304 pages) eBook (304 pages)
Dimensions 6 x 9 inches 6 x 9 inches
Product Code BK05861 BK06551 BK05861W
ISBN Number 978-1-68364-402-6 978-1-64963-011-7 978-1-68364-403-3
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W. Keith Campbell

About W. Keith Campbell

W. Keith Campbell, PhD, is a professor of psychology at the University of Georgia, as well as the author of The Narcissism Epidemic, When You Love a Man Who Loves Himself, and more than 120 peer-reviewed articles. Dr. Campbell lives in Athens, Georgia. For more, see

Carolyn Crist

About Carolyn Crist

Carolyn Crist is an independent journalist whose work has appeared in Reuters, Runner's World, and Parade, among others. For more, see