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Recovery One Breath at a Time

Streaming Audio (Immediate Access)
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Mindfulness has proven medical benefits for relief from pain and stress, but what about addiction? As Kevin Griffin has learned, there is no more powerful tool than mindfulness for helping us cope with the moment-to-moment challenges of recovery. With Recovery One Breath at a Time, this expert teacher offers both guided and on-the-spot mindfulness practices to help meet craving and addiction as they arise—whether you’re already in recovery or still wrestling with addiction day to day.
Full Description

Course objectives:

  • Discuss how essential mindfulness tools can help us cope with addiction and recovery—recognize the difference between suffering and liberation.
  • Practice guided meditations and utilize on-the spot practices for dealing with cravings as they arise—support for anyone currently in a recovery program or coping with addiction.
  • Explain how to work skillfully with physical and emotional strain—coping with the moment-to-moment challenges on this difficult journey to wholeness.
  • Discuss how to identify and disarm the triggers that lead us back to addiction—cultivating positive states of mind for long-term health.

Mindfulness has proven medical benefits for relief from pain and stress, but what about addiction? As Kevin Griffin has learned, there is no more powerful tool than mindfulness for helping us cope with the moment-to-moment challenges of recovery. With Recovery One Breath at a Time, this innovative teacher presents two sessions of mindfulness training adapted to support anyone currently in a recovery program or coping with addiction.

This beginner-friendly audio offers both guided meditations and on-the-spot practices for dealing with cravings as they arise, working skillfully with physical and emotional strain, identifying and disarming the triggers that lead us back to addiction, and cultivating positive states of mind for long-term health. When we’re struggling with addiction, every clean breath is a victory. Recovery One Breath at a Time brings us essential mindfulness tools that can make the difference between suffering and liberation on this difficult journey to wholeness.

Format Details
Contents Digital Audio (2 hours, 14 minutes)
Product Code AW04305W
ISBN Number 978-1-62203-510-6
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100% of reviewers would recommend this product to a friend
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Reviewed by LadyMD
I recommend this product
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Thoughtful, honest

We study Kevin's books in our Buddhism and the 12 steps recovery group. Traditional 12 step work rang hollow with me, and Kevin straddles the gap with refreshing honesty. He has put a lot of thought into this topic and opens new ways of looking at Buddhism, meditation, and recovery work.

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