The Breakthrough Manifestation Workshop

Generating Freedom, Creativity, and Power
Online Course

Online Course

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A four-part online self-guided event for learning the inner art of manifestation.
Full Description

The Art and Science of Manifestation

“The purpose of conscious manifestation is not to remake the world according to our conditioned desires, but to experience an ongoing revelation of connection and expansion with everything and everyone.”
—Rick Jarow, PhD

Why do some projects succeed while others never get off the ground? Is there a greater purpose behind our work in the world? How can you skillfully navigate the intricacies of money, health, relationship, and spirituality in a clear and integral way?

These are the questions we will explore in The Breakthrough Manifestation Workshop with Rick Jarow, PhD, creator of the renowned “anti-career” vocational practice. In this online event, Jarow invites us to consider the art of manifestation not in the simplistic sense of “thinking of what you want and getting it,” but in the deeper “alchemical” possibilities of simultaneously loving what is, while moving toward where one wants to be.

In four 90-minute online event sessions, which include Q&A with Jarow, you’ll learn values clarification processes, visioning techniques, and other guided practices to help you incarnate your highest dreams and untapped potential for a life in balance with Divine will.

Bring Forth Your Highest Vision, Purpose, and Power

Drawing on his 20 years of experience helping people around the world connect to their highest purpose, Jarow will share a powerful approach that is critical to the art of manifestation: to look clearly and uncompromisingly at what has actually happened in your life, release the conditioned responses that keep you repeating the same scenarios over and over again, and incubate a “healed vision” that brings forth your greatest potential and most liberating, powerful response to the gift of life you’ve been given.

By exploring the “mandalas of directions” (what is arising, what is leaving, what needs to be amplified, and where to keep still), you’ll learn how to become a conscious life-architect and artist—one with the wisdom needed to transform resentment, disease, and despair into directed power, vibrant health, and radiant compassion.


  • How do you define the good life?
  • Visualizations to take you deeper into your own being, allowing you to uncover and examine the profound forces operating in your life
  • To act or to sit still, that is the question
  • The “unhooking” process for increasing your energy and focus
  • What it means to open up to the preciousness of every moment
  • How the practice of sadhana can help you align your will with the will of the universe
Format Details
Online Course
Contents Online Learning
Product Code WC01625N

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Rick Jarow

About Rick Jarow

Rick Jarow, PhD, is a practicing alternative career counselor, a professor of religion at Vassar College, and author of Creating the Work You Love, In Search of the Sacred, Alchemy of Abundance, and more. His acclaimed seminars, based on years of research and practice with lineage holders in both Eastern and Western traditions, focus on interfacing inner experience with effective action in the world.