
How to Trust Yourself, Tame Your Inner Critic, and Shine in Any Spotlight
Hardcover Book
Hardcover Book
Sounds True eReader (Immediate Access)
It doesn’t take some rare and precious talent to communicate with calm and confidence. For professional coach and trainer Patricia Stark, the key to great communication starts with the most important person you communicate with . . . yourself. In Calmfidence, she shows you how to maintain inner trust in any situation.
Full Description

Learn how to communicate inside and out with calm, confidence, and self-love no matter the circumstances. 

Presenters and performers aren’t the only ones who need calm and confidence in their everyday lives. After all, confidence is the fuel that drives us toward our ambitions, and calm eases the way. And when the two states combine, they form a magical and powerful combination.

After years of struggling with communication in school, business, and public, Patricia Stark achieved this state of “Calmfidence” not through some single moment of revelation but through years of small insights, “aha” moments, and constant practice. Today, after helping thousands of students and clients find their own voices and abilities, Stark makes her methods available in Calmfidence—a comprehensive guide to improving communication skills in any social interaction.

Calmfidence gathers a unique set of mental tools and experiential practices for quelling the self-sabotaging habits of the Inner Critic. With warmth and compassion, Stark guides you in how to identify and overcome your blockages to communication, how to react skillfully to strong emotions as they arise, and how to deal with setbacks in your Calmfidence journey without self-judgment.

Here you will learn:

  • “Calmfidence boosters”—practices for shoring up your ease and resilience on the spot and in the moment
  • Positive daily habits to avoid burnout, exhaustion, and other drains on your Calmfidence
  • How to soothe negative inner beliefs around age, body type, unrealistic expectations, and more
  • The dos and don’ts of healthy, engaged eye contact
  • Why mindfulness of facial expressions and body language is imperative for effective communication
  • How to sidestep and eventually erase any fear of public speaking
  • Common verbal tics that disrupt public speaking, and how to wean yourself away from them
  • Advanced tips for transforming public speaking engagements into memorable, inspiring occasions
  • Interview Calmfidence: how to navigate and eventually master one of the most nerve-wracking social exchanges
  • Natural, non-intoxicating remedies for soothing ambient stress and restoring balance
You don’t need some rare talent to communicate well. When you engage with the exercises and encouragement in Calmfidence, you’ll learn how to stop surrendering to fear and become the calm and confident communicator who has always been waiting within.


Format Details
Hardcover Book eBook
Contents Hardcover Book (280 pages) eBook (280 pages)
Dimensions 6 x 9 inches
Product Code BK06159 BK06159W
ISBN Number 978-1-68364-740-9 978-1-68364-741-6
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Patricia Stark

About Patricia Stark

Patricia Stark is owner of Patricia Stark Communications and Calmfidence® Workshops, providing training in personal and professional development. She works with celebrities, corporate executives, authors, news anchors, social media influencers, and others whose careers rely on their ability to communicate confidently. She lives in New York. For more, see

Author photo © David-Kaptein