Intuitive Eating

A Practical Guide to: Make Peace with Food, Free Yourself from Chronic Dieting, Reach Your Natural Weight
Streaming Audio (Immediate Access)
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Full Description

Find Your Intuitive Eater Within—and Never Diet Again

Has food become your enemy? Now you can call a truce by consulting the one expert you can really trust—your own body. In this original audio program based on their popular book Intuitive Eating and updated with new practices and techniques, nutrition therapist Elyse Resch and dietitian Evelyn Tribole give you all the ammunition you need to get off the roller coaster of chronic dieting, and heal your relationship with food. Guided by their 10 groundbreaking principles, you will learn to awaken your Intuitive Eater within by:

  • Challenging the “food police” mindset and creating a new, healthy inner dialogue
  • Deciphering your body’s physical and emotional hunger signals
  • Discovering the Satisfaction Factor to build a sensual and mindful relationship with food
  • Honoring your body through physical movement, lifestyle, and self-respect

“Diets rely on ‘willpower’ to try to forcefully control your body and eating habits,” Resch and Tribole explain. “Being an Intuitive Eater is about allowing your body, psyche, and spirit to work in harmony for the same goal.” With Intuitive Eating, you can finally end your battle with body image, renew the healthy relationship with food with which you were born, and reach the healthy weight that is right for you. 

Format Details
Contents Digital Audio (4 hours, 15 minutes) + Sounds True One (1-month free membership trial)
Product Code XC07251
ISBN Number 978-1-60407-158-0
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Evelyn Tribole

About Evelyn Tribole

Evelyn Tribole, M.S., R.D., is an award-winning dietitian with a nutrition counseling practice in Newport Beach, California, specializing in eating disorders. She was the nutrition expert for Good Morning America and the national spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association for six years.

Elyse Resch

About Elyse Resch

Elyse Resch, M.S., R.D., F.A.D.A., is a Fellow of the American Dietetic Association and a certified child and adolescent obesity expert. Her private practice focuses on eating disorders and intuitive eating.