Living Between Worlds

Finding Personal Resilience in Changing Times
Hardcover Book
Hardcover Book
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What can support us through the unique and daunting challenges of our times? Dr. James Hollis offers valuable tools—including depth psychology, myth, dream work, and classical literature—to help readers return to the internal forms of guidance that can support us in our journey from the reality that is dying to the one still waiting to be born.
Full Description

What guides us when our world is changing? Discover the path to deeper meaning and purpose through depth psychology and classical thought. 

How did we get to this crossroads in history? And will we make it through—individually and as a species?

"We all assumed that learning, rationality, and good intentions would prove enough to bring us to the promised land,"says James Hollis. "But they haven't and won't. Yet what we also do not recognize sufficiently is that this human animal is equipped for survival.

Dr. Hollis's readers know him as a penetrating thinker who brings profound insight and sophistication to the inner journey. In Living Between Worlds, he broadens his lens to encompass the relationship between our inner struggles and the rapidly shifting realities of modern human existence. You will learn to invoke the tools of depth psychology, classical literature, philosophy, dream work, and myth to gain access to the resources that supported our ancestors through their darkest hours. Through these paths of inner exploration, you will access your "locus of knowing—a wellspring of deep resilience beyond the ego, always available to guide you back to the imperatives of your soul.

Though many of the challenges of our times are unique, the path through for us, personally and collectively, will always rely on our measureless capacity for creativity, wisdom, and connection to a reality larger than ourselves. Here you will find no easy answers or pat reassurances. Yet within the pages of Living Between Worlds, you will encounter causes for hope. "We can find what supports us when nothing supports us, "Hollis teaches. "By bearing the unbearable, we go through the desert to arrive at a nurturing oasis we did not know was there.

Format Details
Hardcover Book eBook
Contents Hardcover Book (184 pages) eBook (184 pages)
Dimensions 6 x 9 Inches
Product Code BK05959 BK05959W
ISBN Number 978-1-68364-561-0 978-1-68364-562-7
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James Hollis

About James Hollis

James Hollis, PhD, is a licensed Jungian analyst in private practice in Washington, DC. Originally from Springfield, Illinois, he graduated from Manchester University in 1962 and Drew University in 1967. He taught humanities for 26 years in various colleges and universities before retraining as a Jungian analyst at the Jung Institute of Zürich, Switzerland (1977–82). He served as executive director of the Jung Educational Center in Houston, Texas, for many years. He was executive director of the Jung Society of Washington until 2019, and now serves on its board of directors. He is a retired senior training analyst for the Inter-Regional Society of Jungian Analysts, was first director of training of the Philadelphia Jung Institute, and is vice-president emeritus of the Philemon Foundation. Additionally, he was a professor of Jungian Studies for Saybrook University of San Francisco.