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Steadying Your Mind

Streaming Audio (Immediate Access)
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Explore ways to build concentration and strengthen the neural circuitry that supports it.
Full Description

The structure of your brain changes constantly in a dynamic, unfolding process that you yourself can help direct to create the life you want. Neuropsychologist Dr. Rick Hanson offers the "Steadying Your Mind" meditation to tap the full creative power of your attention and strengthen the neural circuitry that supports focus and clarity.

Sounds True Practices are short downloadable audio sessions selected from our most popular courses. Affordably priced and ideal for beginners, they're a powerful way to use energy healing, guided imagery, meditation, and other proven practices at home or on the go. Put them on your smartphone, MP3 player, tablet device, or computer … and start experiencing their benefits today.

This session is excerpted from Rick Hanson's three-CD audio program Meditations to Change Your Brain (with Richard Mendius, MD).

Format Details
Contents Digital Audio (40 minutes)
Product Code IM04265W
ISBN Number 978-1-62203-373-7
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Rick Hanson

About Rick Hanson

Rick Hanson, Ph.D., is a psychologist, Senior Fellow at UC Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center, and New York Times best-selling author. His seven books have been published in 33 languages and include Making Great Relationships, Neurodharma, Resilient, Hardwiring Happiness, Just One Thing, Buddha’s Brain, and Mother Nurture – with over a million copies in English alone. He's the founder of the Global Compassion Coalition and the Wellspring Institute for Neuroscience and Contemplative Wisdom, as well as the co-host of the Being Well Podcast – which has been downloaded over 15 million times. His free newsletters have over 260,000 subscribers, and his online programs have scholarships available for those with financial needs. He’s lectured at NASA, Google, Oxford, and Harvard. An expert on positive neuroplasticity, his work has been featured on CBS, NPR, the BBC, and other major media. He began meditating in 1974 and has taught in meditation centers worldwide. He and his wife live in northern California and have two adult children. He loves the wilderness and taking a break from emails. Find out more at https://rickhanson.com/


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100% of reviewers would recommend this product to a friend
2 Reviews
Reviewed by Anita J.
I recommend this product
Rated 5 out of 5
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Review for Steadying Your Mind

I love the message and attention to breath techniques. I meditate to them daily.

If I had to chose only one meditation/relaxation guide from the many that I own, this is the one I would chose.

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Reviewed by Ross M.
I recommend this product
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Review for Steadying Your Mind


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