The Daily Flame

365 Love Letters from Your Inner Pilot Light
Hardcover Book
Hardcover Book
Sounds True eReader (Immediate Access)

The Daily Flame is a 365-day reader by New York Times bestselling author and acclaimed physician Dr. Lissa Rankin. Each day, you’ll receive a new message from your Inner Pilot Light, the spark of divinity within. These love letters will help you connect with your own deepest truth and purpose. “If you need comfort, awareness, a cosmic kick in the patooty, or a reminder of how bright you can shine, let your Inner Pilot Light illuminate you,” writes Lissa, “This great love affair is just beginning.”

Full Description

Receive daily messages of love, wisdom, and encouragement with a 365-day reader from New York Times bestselling author, physician, and mystic Dr. Lissa Rankin.
If your deepest, most divine self had a message for you, what would it be? In The Daily Flame, acclaimed physician Dr. Lissa Rankin presents 365 love letters from your Inner Pilot Light—the guiding voice of your innermost truth. As Lissa explains:
"This book is intended to support the kind of intimacy, comfort, nourishment, and grace that happens when you make contact with the Source of all love that fuels your very existence. Regardless of your spiritual orientation, consider this book a prayer of sorts, one that invites you to gently, quietly reunite with the purest, most loving core of your being, the part that will help you navigate the in-between space in your spiritual life."
Each new message from your Inner Pilot Light will bring you inspiration and encouragement for the day ahead. The letters cover a wide range of themes, from abundance and health, to following your dreams, to finding your tribe, and persevering through challenges. Some readings offer practices and reflection questions, while others offer deep wisdom and spiritual insights. You might get a motivating kick in the patooty one day, and an unbridled love letter the next!
As you read each day, you’ll learn to embrace your own authentic knowing and trust the voice of your divine self. Enter the mysterious landscape of the soul and let your light shine bright with The Daily Flame.

Format Details
Hardcover Book eBook
Contents Hardcover Book (416 pages) eBook (416 pages)
Dimensions 5 x 9.2 inches
Product Code BK05646 BK05646W
ISBN Number 978-1-68364-270-1 978-1-68364-340-1
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Lissa Rankin

About Lissa Rankin

Lissa Rankin, MD, New York Times bestselling author of multiple books, including Mind Over Medicine, is a physician, speaker, founder of the Whole Health Medicine Institute and the nonprofit Heal At Last, and mystic. Lissa has starred in two national public television specials, her TEDx talks have been viewed over 4 million times, and she leads workshops, both online and at retreat centers like Esalen, 1440, Omega, and Kripalu. She resides in Northern California. For more, visit