The Mid-Life Quest

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Traces how we can emerge in our middle years with new goals and appreciation for life.
Full Description

Each of us has the power to create a path through the wilderness of mid-life. Along the way there will be joy and pain, confusion and transformation. On The Mid-Life Quest, you will learn how others face this bewildering time and how, despite suffering and loss, you can rebuild a life far richer than you ever dreamed possible as a youth.

Mid-life represents a clashing of two selves, teaches Mark Gerzon—a “confrontation with the unconscious.” This author and expert in human development traces the lives of real people who have undergone a metamorphosis at mid-life. Afterward they emerge as deeper, more complex beings—with new goals and a new appreciation for the preciousness of life.

Gerzon unfolds a road map of specific ideas for overcoming mid-life's great challenges, such as: why we feel like failures in spite of professional success; the inner reasons for outward temptations; re-creating a better marriage at mid-life; how to have better health at 60 than at 40; and more. The Mid-Life Quest will help you rechart the course of your life, to find your way through the terra incognita of life's second half.

Format Details
Contents Digital Audio (1 hour, 19 minutes)
Product Code AD00216W
ISBN Number 978-1-62203-808-4
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About Mark Gerzon

Mark Gerzon is a leadership trainer and mediator and a bestselling author whose books include Leading Through Conflict: How Successful Leaders Transform Differences Into Opportunities; A Childhood for Every Child; A Choice of Heroes; and A House Divided: Six Belief Systems Struggling for America's Soul. Along with his wife, Shelly Kessler, he leads midlife workshops nationwide. with his wife, Shelley Kessler. For the past 20 years, Mark-who the New York Times called an “expert in civil discourse”-has served as president of the Mediators Foundation, a non-profit dedicated to conflict resolution projects.