The Untethered Soul Lecture Series Volume 10

The Power of Inner Clarity
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In the face of cruelty or injustice, it’s natural to want to take action. But how do you know if you’re really helping? In this session, Michael A. Singer shows that to grasp the truth of a situation and serve the highest good, we must look past the mind and its habitual reactions—to live and act from a place of lucidity and service.

Full Description
Teachings to transcend the noisy mind and act in alignment with your deepest self
It’s natural to see chaos, cruelty, or injustice and want to take immediate action to find a solution. But is that really your best course of action?
Michael A. Singer, the bestselling author of The Untethered Soul, asserts that when you seek to change conditions in the outer world, you’re often doing so not with clear eyes, but with knee-jerk outrage, disgust, or anxiety. If you attach yourself to the first emotion you feel in a situation, the action you take to correct it will almost certainly be counterproductive.
In The Untethered Soul Lecture Series, Volume 10: The Power of Inner Clarity, Singer demonstrates that in order to comprehend the truth of a situation and act to serve the highest good, you must look past the noisy mind and its habitual reactions. When you connect with who you truly are—the indwelling consciousness—nothing can obscure perfect clarity. Once you are established in that fundamental seat of awareness, you’ll see that every moment is asking something of you. In turn, you will naturally interact with life from a place of lucidity and right action.
In this volume of the continuing Untethered Soul Lecture Series, you will discover:
  • Why the problem you’re focusing on isn’t personal
  • The gift 13.8 billion years in the making
  • Why acceptance of the reality of a situation is the bedrock of real solutions
  • The futility of imposing your wants and grievances upon reality
  • How to both detach from and deeply appreciate your moment-to-moment experience
  • Why blind reactions only exacerbate karmic feedback
  • Recognizing the openings for right action
  • How to deal skillfully with the noise of the mind
  • Small exercises for practicing acceptance of the present moment
  • How to shift perspective so moments of difficulty become moments of enjoyment
Here, Singer reveals that even though our modern world is highly complex, it's still possible to live life from a place of inner peace and clarity.
Format Details
Audio CD
Contents Digital Audio (1 hour, 28 minutes) 2 CDs (1 hour, 28 minutes)
Dimensions 5 1/2 x 4 3/4 inches
Product Code AW06019W AW06019D
ISBN Number 978-1-68364-657-0 978-1-68364-656-3
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Michael Singer

About Michael Singer

Michael A. Singer is author of the #1 New York Times bestseller The Untethered Soul and the New York Times bestsellers The Surrender Experiment and Living Untethered, all of which are published worldwide. He had a deep inner awakening in 1971 while working on his doctorate in economics and went into seclusion to focus on yoga and meditation. In 1975, he founded Temple of the Universe, a now long-established yoga and meditation center where people of any religion or set of beliefs can come together to experience inner peace. Along with his nearly five decades of spiritual teaching, Singer has made major contributions in the areas of business, education, health care, and environmental protection. Discover more here.

Author photo © Timothy Davis