The Yoga of Awakening: Mystic Flow

Transforming Your Practice into Love and Service
Streaming Video (Immediate Access)

In this third volume of her Yoga of Awakening DVD series, acclaimed teacher Seane Corn shows you how to bridge your physical-mental and emotional-energetic worlds with the realm of spirit to expand your practice into an offering and “embodied prayer”—to align yourself for fulfillment, love, and service in the world.

Full Description

Seane Corn’s Yoga of Awakening DVD series guides us into the deeper dimensions of yoga, offering in-depth training for discovering our vast potential for greater consciousness and connection. It's an invitation to wake up, find our voice, and create a better world for all beings, everywhere.
In this third volume, Mystic Flow, practitioners explore the realm of spirit. Building on the physical, mental, emotional, and energetic strengths cultivated in volumes 1 and 2, Mystic Flow calls us to connect with God, to creation, to our own divinity. “When we bring this dimension into yoga,” Seane explains, “our practice becomes an offering and an embodied prayer. We align ourselves for fulfillment, love, and service.” In this program, viewers will find:
• Interview and invitation sessions
• Two beginner/slow sequences (30 minutes each)
• Four intermediate sequences (60 minutes each)
• An advanced sequence (90 minutes)
Each session begins with personal intention setting and prayer and then progresses into movement, restoration, mindful reflection, and meditation. Sequences include two audio track options: one with intensive guidance and the other for customized, self-guided practice.

Seane Corn is an international yoga teacher and spiritual activist who has been featured prominently in Yoga Journal,, The Today Show, and more. She is a cofounder of the nonprofit organization Off the Mat, Into the World. For more information, visit music by Suzanne Sterling.
Format Details
DVD Video
Contents 2 DVD (14 hours, 46 minutes) Digital Video (14 hours, 46 minutes)
Dimensions 5 1/4 x 6 1/2 inches
Product Code VT04082D VT04082W
ISBN Number 978-1-62203-499-4 978-1-62203-650-9
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Seane Corn

About Seane Corn

Seane Corn is an internationally celebrated yoga teacher known for her impassioned activism, unique self-expression, and inspirational style of teaching. Featured in commercials, magazines, NPR, and, Seane now utilizes her national platform to bring awareness to global humanitarian issues. In 2005, she was named “National Yoga Ambassador” for YouthAIDS, and in 2013 was given the “Global Green International Environmental Leadership Award.” Since 2007, she has been training leaders of activism through her co-founded organization Off the Mat, Into the World®. Seane has spent time in the US, India, Cambodia, Haiti and Africa working with communities in need- teaching yoga, providing support for child labor and educating people about HIV/AIDS prevention. Seane is also co-founder of the Seva Challenge Humanitarian Tours, which have raised almost $4 million since 2007, getting the yoga community involved in fund and awareness raising efforts across the globe. Her self-authored dvds are available through Gaiam and Yoga Journal, as well as her most recent groundbreaking 3-dvd set “The Yoga of Awakening” through Sounds True. She is currently working on her first book. For more, visit

Author photo © NormanSeeff-2018