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Thomas Moore on Writing

$15.72 $17.47 |
Streaming Audio (Immediate Access)
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Reconnect with the realm of spirit and beauty through this inspiring program on writing.
Full Description

Through the simple act of writing we begin a process with prehistoric origins—one that sets us apart from every other living creature. Thomas Moore on Writing is an elegant reflection on the sacredness of words and their creation. Moore teaches that each word we write—whether it is part of a shopping list, a note to a friend, or a novel—connects us directly to the classic tradition of logos (or "word").

Once a revered practice guarded by monks in the sanctity of the scriptorium, writing continues to offer us all direct passage to the soul's innermost corridors. With an ingenious eye, Moore looks back at the writer's art and retrieves treasured practices for returning the written word to the realm of spirit and beauty. Join this acclaimed author to explore:

  • The historical, philosophical, and spiritual roots of writing
  • Insights on journal writing, letter writing, the writer's life, and more
  • Reading and writing as contemplative practices
  • Lessons from great writers including Rilke, Dickinson, and Emerson

Thomas Moore on Writing is an inspiring invitation to everyone awakened to the special pleasures of this most human of endeavors to discover the beauty and connection of this intricate art.

Format Details
Contents Digital Audio (3 hours)
Product Code AW00343W
ISBN Number 978-1-60407-493-2
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Thomas Moore

About Thomas Moore

Thomas Moore is the author of the classic bestselling book Care of the Soul and twenty other books on spirituality and psychology. He has a Ph.D. in religious studies from Syracuse University and has degrees in music composition and theology. He has been a university professor, a psychotherapist, a lecturer, a musician, and a monk. He currently lectures around the world on the arts, spirituality, ecology, and psychology. He has also been active in bringing human values to the field of medicine and in training hospice workers and psychiatrists. He has won numerous awards and has been a constant presence in the media. In recent years he has returned to his theological roots and has published Writing in the Sand: Jesus and the Soul of the Gospels and is about to publish his own translation of the Gospels. He has also recently published fiction including The Guru of Golf and Other Stories about the Game of Life.

Listen to Tami Simon's interview with Thomas Moore: Standing for the Spiritual, in a Secular World»


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Reviewed by Darla
I recommend this product
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Profoundly Inspiring

Whenever I am feeling lost about my writing journey, I turn to Thomas Moore. I listen to this audio and the mystery, the love, the spirituality, the curiosity, and passion returns. This audio is truly a blessing. Thank you.

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