Through a Dog's Ear

Music to Comfort Your Elderly Canine, Volume 1
$6.29 $10.49 |
Streaming Audio (Immediate Access)
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Classical music designed to gently stimulate and comfort your older dog.
Full Description

As your dog gets up in years, older dog syndromes may cause a change in behavior. If your pooch is less responsive, sleepless at night, or stares at a wall, now you have a tool to help—without resorting to pharmaceuticals.

Music to Comfort Your Elderly Canine builds on the clinically demonstrated and well-loved Through a Dog's Ear: Music to Calm Your Canine Companion series. With the addition of highly specific frequency modulation, Music to Comfort Your Elderly Canine is the first therapeutic sound program designed for mature dogs. By reducing or boosting the dosage of specific nutrients of sound, we've made assimilation easier for an already stressed or weakened elderly canine nervous system. The net effect of these pyschoacoustically designed soundtracks is that your senior dog will be calmer and happier.

We have loved our dogs through all stages of their lives. Now that he/she is in winter years, a different comfort approach is appropriate. An older dog's nervous system is tuned differently than it was in earlier years. Using leading-edge therapeutic principles, Music to Comfort Your Elderly Canine surrounds your canine household with beautifully effective music and sound.

Format Details
Contents Digital Audio (1 hour); Liner notes
Product Code JL03918W
ISBN Number 978-1-68364-509-2
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Joshua Leeds

About Joshua Leeds

Joshua Leeds is a sound researcher, music producer, and educator. He is one of few published authorities in the emerging field of psychoacoustics-the study of the effect of music and sound on the human nervous system, and bioacoustics-how human sound affects other living beings. He is the author of The Power of Sound, Sonic Alchemy, and Through A Dog's Ear (Sounds True, 2008). His application-specific soundtracks are used in homes, clinics, and classrooms around the world. He presents seminars internationally and is a faculty member of the California Institute of Integral Studies, located in San Francisco.

Lisa Spector

About Lisa Spector

Lisa Spector is a graduate of The Juilliard School.She has won first prizes in prestigious national piano competitions, and performs concert tours internationally. A lifetime dog-lover involved in agility training and competition, she has served as a volunteer puppy raiser for Guide Dogs for the Blind.