Transforming the Legacy

The Subtle Body Approach to Honor and Heal Your Inherited Lineage
Paperback Book
Paperback Book
Sounds True eReader (Immediate Access)
From bestselling author of the Subtle Body series, Cyndi Dale presents a unique and powerful approach to heal issues caused by ancestral and inherited patterns, for personal and legacy transformation—featuring accessible practices to help you get grounded in your lineage, access your genealogical and soul history, and create your best path forward.
Full Description

From bestselling author of the Subtle Body series, Cyndi Dale presents a unique and powerful subtle body approach to heal issues caused by ancestral lineage and inherited patterns, for personal and legacy transformation.

Many of us feel stuck in the past from time to time, but what if your past is impacting your present in significant ways? The truth is, the past has made your present. And your inherited traits—those acquired through biological means and your soul—determine much of who you are. Some of those patterns and programs might be supportive of your true self. But others? Not so much! The good news is that you can change your inheritance through an easy-to-access mechanism: the subtle body.

Cyndi Dale, bestselling author of the Subtle Body series, presents a unique and powerful approach for transforming soul-based and lineage-ancestry issues through the main structures of energetic anatomy—your chakras, meridians/nadis, and auric fields. Using accessible practices, you’ll learn to address your genealogical and soul history through these structures, shifting from stuck-ness to the freedom of “becoming your own best ancestor”—the self who can sort through history and establish future pathways of love and good health. Here you’ll explore:

  • How your personal and ancestral legacy can impede or help you
  • Reasons the cacophony of inherited traits and attitudes makes it difficult to be your true self in everyday life
  • Science and psychological research showing that you can assess and even change your inheritance
  • Various roles the subtle body’s structures play in working through legacy issues
  • Ways you can immediately empower yourself to alter complicated inheritances
  • Tools for meeting—and even conversing with—your own ancestors
  • Journeys into your own past, concurrent, and possible future lives

Sometimes, to move forward, we must first move back. Discover the underlying energy that’s inherent in you. Get grounded in your lineage, connect to your experiences across time, and access and heal your history. It’s time to alter what has been in order to stand entirely in the present, reconnect with your true self, and create your best path forward.

Format Details
Paperback Book eBook
Contents Paperback Book (320 pages) eBook (320 pages)
Dimensions 6 x 9 inches
Product Code BK06959 BK06959W
ISBN Number 978-1-64963-276-0 978-1-64963-277-7
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Cyndi Dale

About Cyndi Dale

Cyndi Dale is an internationally renowned author, speaker, healer, and business consultant. She’s authored nearly 40 books on energy medicine, intuition, and spirituality, including the award-winning The Subtle Body: An Encyclopedia of Your Energetic Anatomy. She has worked with 80,000 clients and students and is known for her online trainings and yearlong apprenticeship program. She lives and teaches in Minneapolis, Minnesota. For more, visit

Cyndi Dale has received the following awards for The Subtle Body:

2010 Gold Nautilus Award - Health/Healing/Energy Medicine
2010 Silver Living Now Award - Health/Wellness
2010 Bronze IPPY - New Age (Mind-Body-Spirit)

Author photo © Allison Jagoda